Project Management & Project Support

Exceeded Original Scope & Expectations

6 Party consortium included the largest UK housebuilder

Funded through Innovate UK

Successfully Managed through COVID19 challenges

Flagship project with significant impact across the sector

AIMCH have been wonderful to work with. And what’s really exciting is just the sheer scale of impact the project is having already. It’s beyond what we could have hoped for. I look forward to watching it continue to impact the construction sector for many, many years to come.

AIMCH (Advanced Industrialised Methods for the Construction of Homes) is a 3-year, 6-party consortium project, partially funded by InnovateUK as part of the “Transforming Construction” challenge.

Stewart Milne Group Ltd are the lead party and Stewart Dalgarno of SMG brought together Barratt Developments, London & Quadrant Housing Trust Ltd, Forster Roofing Services Ltd, The Manufacturing Technology Centre Ltd and The Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (now BE-ST) to make up this consortium project. 

The AIMCH ambition is to transform how homes are built in the UK, by developing industrialisation of manufacturing processes and demonstrating solutions to the challenges of digitisation and offsite construction. 

Our proven expertise in handling similar, centrally funded consortium projects led Stewart Milne Group Ltd to secure our services to carry out Project Management and Project Support for the full 3-year project duration.  

From day one we initiated engagement across the project and quickly established ourselves, which was helped by achieving some early highly important commitments. As soon as it was possible, we visited all project partners to enable the formation of relationships which is critical for the success of the project.

Communications and relationships across the project are well-established, as are the project management protocols. The project has been running successfully to-date and our focus is on ensuring ongoing success of the project, whilst minimising Project Management overheads on the wider project team.  (

Our role on AIMCH:

We were contracted to provide the overall project and financial management of this large, flagship collaborative, R&D project, on behalf of Stewart Milne Group. This role included the coordination of 10 Work Packages led by several different leads from partners in the project.

As an IUK funded project we ensured that our processes enabled the whole project to deliver against the IUK expectations, which meant coordinating and delivering monthly and quarterly project reviews, including reporting to the IUK appointed monitoring officer

We provided and managed processes covering scope, schedule, risks, finances, project reviews and steering group meetings, and ensured all changes were controlled and managed.

During the project, we dealt with the withdrawal of a partner, the impact of COVID, and the usual challenges with innovation risks. However, the actions taken by ourselves and the partners resulted in the project exceeding the original scope and the expectations of InnovateUK.